New ‘Brain Games’ Exclusive Preview – Times Square Mass Mind Reading

This Sunday February 14th (9 p.m. ET), the Emmy-nominated Brain Games tv-show is back! Wonder junkie Jason Silva returns to our screens, teaming up with leading neuroscientists, psychologists, cognitive psychologists and specialists in a whirlwind trip around the globe to:

“…uncover the powers of our minds that we never knew existed.”

National Geographic presents six new hourlong episodes, jam-packed with an incredible assortment of mind-bending interactive games and enthralling experiments designed to boggle the mind with jaw-droping scientific revelations that reveal the truly awe-inspiring inner workings of our brains.

The new season of Brain Games takes viewers through a visually captivating expedition in search of answers to some of the most perplexing and fascinating questions in modern neuroscience, touching on topics such as survival, our hidden senses, how your brain ages and even God.

We are thrilled to wet your wow and give you an exclusive sneak peek of a mass ‘mind reading’ experiment in the one and only, Times Square New York, by world-renowned mentalist, Marc Salem!

To find out the brain and psychology-based secrets to this presumed to be fictional phenomena make sure you tune into the Super Senses episode on March 20, at 9 p.m. ET on National Geographic Channel.

Carla Clark, PhD

Carla Clark, PhD, is BrainBlogger's Lead Editor and Psychology and Psychiatry Section Editor. A scientific consultant, writer, and researcher in a variety of fields including psychology and neuropsychology, as well as biotechnology, molecular biology, and biophysical chemistry, you can follow her on Facebook or Twitter @GeekReports
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