Cartoon – 3 to 4 Cups of Coffee A Day Cardioprotective?
by Shaheen E Lakhan, MD, PhD, MEd, MS, FAAN | March 22, 2015A team of researchers from Korea asked over 25,000 individuals without heart disease how many cups of coffee they consume per day and measured their coronary artery calcium by a heart CT scan as a marker of coronary atherosclerosis. They found that those who consumed 3 to 4 cups daily had significantly less coronary atherosclerosis than non-coffee drinkers and those than consumed less than 3 or more than 4 cups of coffee. The explanation may lie in the rich dietary antioxidants found in coffee.
Choi Y, Chang Y, Ryu S, Cho J, Rampal S, Zhang Y, Ahn J, Lima JA, Shin H, Guallar E. Coffee consumption and coronary artery calcium in young and middle-aged asymptomatic adults. Heart. 2015 Mar 2. doi: 10.1136/heartjnl-2014-306663.
Image created by Jerry King for Brain Blogger.
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