Drugs and Pharmacology, Fifteenth Edition
by Shaheen E Lakhan, MD, PhD, MEd, MS, FAAN | April 30, 2009Welcome to the fifteenth edition of Drugs and Pharmacology. Today, we discuss new the introduction of the recovery bill of rights, a case of alleged supplement contamination, whether a memory pill is on the horizon, and why medical professionals aren’t so fond of Xanax.
Remember, we review the latest blogs related to drugs — medicinal, recreational, interactional, personal, professional, or any other aspect. If you were left out in this round, just leave a comment with your blog entry. You can check out the archives for every edition of this carnival.
For future editions, please remember to submit your blog entries using the online submission form. We will do our best to review and include your entry! Enjoy your readings…
Living the Scientific Life writes Pharmacy Admits Their ‘Mistake’ Killed 21 Venezuelan Polo Horses:
Because Biodyl is not approved, injecting the horses with it “was illegal,” according to FDA spokeswoman Siobhan DeLancey. Further, even mixing up an identical compound meant to mimic Biodyl’s individual components for use in horses is probably illegal.
Bioblog by Biotunes writes Vitamins are not food:
Furthermore, it is unlikely that most nutrients work in a vacuum. We do know that without vitamin D, calcium is not absorbed well, but there are likely countless other complex interactions that affect our physiology over both the short and long term, involving both nutrients we know about and those that we don’t.
Avelient BioPharm Blog writes Pharma Marketing: New Media is Still FDA Regulated:
In my search for “cholesterol,” I was really surprised that I didn’t see any of the “branded” variety of ads listed. No Lipitor, no Crestor, no ads at all, in fact, that vaguely represented cholesterol drugs. A search for “cholesterol drugs” revealed much of the same thing – there were no references to actual drugs unless they appeared in the “organic” (unpaid) search results, and even then the results were typically from independent sources, not from the drug companies themselves.
Addiction Treatment Challenges writes Recovering People Should Have Rights: The Recovery Bill Of Rights:
We have the right to be considered as more than a statistic, stereotype, risk score, diagnosis, label or pathology unit – free from the social stigma that characterizes us as weak and morally flawed. If we relapse and begin treatment again, we should be treated with dignity and respect that welcomes our continued efforts to achieve long-term recovery.
Kellevision writes Why Docs Don’t Like Xanax:
If the brain quickly absorbs something you feel it immediately. This is the “rush” that drug addicts typically enjoy which is why this drug is so popular with that population. “Bars” (the street name for Xanax because of the barlike shape of the 2mg pills) sell for about $3 to $10 per pill depending on the dose.
Brain Stimulant writes Brain Memory Pill:
America’s pharmaceutical research companies are developing 547 new medicines to treat debilitating neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, and stroke.
SpeedEndurance.com writes Jessica Hardy and the Supplement Contamination Saga:
She tested positive for Clenbuterol, which is an anti-asthma medication similar to albuterol found in inhalers. These drugs can increase breathing capability, especially in swimming where your breathing can be restrictive. Clenbuterol has been widely known to stimulate fat loss and keep athletes leaner.
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