Drugs and Pharmacology, Eleventh Edition
by Shaheen E Lakhan, MD, PhD, MEd, MS, FAAN | October 30, 2008Welcome to the eleventh edition of Drugs and Pharmacology. Today, we discuss the effectiveness of cholesterol-lowering drugs, whether concealing big pharma contributions is illegal, why Cymbalta is under FDA investigation, and many more topics.
Remember, we review the latest blogs related to drugs — medicinal, recreational, interactional, personal, professional, or any other aspects. If you were left out in this round, just leave a comment with your blog entry. You can check out the archives for every edition of this carnival.
For future editions, please remember to submit your blog entries using the online submission form. We will do our best to review and include your entry! Enjoy your readings…
Balanced Existence writes Are You a Victim of the Great Cholesterol Con?:
The state of affairs has reached a rather horrifying place. Recently cholesterol-lowering drugs in the United States have been urged for children with heart risks. This comes off the back of the release of a study showing that certain cholesterol lowering drugs are ineffective. The results of the study represented a big hit to the bottom line of large pharmaceutical companies. The subsequent response by the pharmaceutical companies was to go after a new market. Your children.
ER Murse writes Flagrant Prescription Drug abusers doing the Perp Walk in California:
Under this program every controlled substance dispensed, from the six pack of Vicodin given to go from your local ED to controlled medications dispensed by Pharmacies, is required to reported to the CURES program. CURES is administered by the California Department of Justice. Data collected include the dispenser, date, time, drug, amount, and person dispensed to. Health Care providers can currently obtain a written report on patients under their care on just what they have received from all the various sources. Soon this database will be available online instantly for Health Care providers.
Advances in the History of Psychology writes NYT: Psychiatrist hid $1.2M paid by Big Pharma:
The New York Times reports that Emory University psychiatrist Charles B. Nemeroff failed to report $1.2 million he earned from consulting with pharmaceutical companies. If true, this would violate federal research rules.
IC Disease writes How Does Elmiron Work?:
It is believed that Elmiron works by helping to build up the protective mucous layer of the bladder lining. How it does this is because Elmiron is chemically similar to the compounds that make up the bladder’s protective mucous layer. When an IC Disease patient takes Elmiron, the capsule is dissolved and the active ingredients are carried to the kidneys. From the kidneys, Elmiron travels to the bladder and in the urine. Once Elmiron is in the bladder, it is believed that Elmiron sticks to the exposed bladder wall and coats/replenishes the bladder lining that is defective.
Fighting Fatigue writes Cymbalta Under FDA Investigation:
To better inform the health care world and patients, the FDA is now posting quarterly an online list of all new drugs under investigation. This new procedure was implemented after Congress passed a law in 2007 requiring the FDA to publish any new safety warnings or potential serious risks based on their review of the adverse event report.
this-sustainable-life.com writes Menstrual Suppression is the New White:
This season menstrual suppression is the new white. Designer oral contraceptives like Seasonale are the latest in cute pink pills to target the American woman. No more mood swings, cramps, or unexpected whoopsies during your weekend getaways.
Ample Void writes Measles Comeback!:
This disease was eliminated in the year 2000. However, because of that previously mentioned fear of autism, ITS BACK. There are no conclusive studies on whether or not you get autism — there are doctors who believe this to be untrue, and there are professionals who believe it to be true. But.. BUT… UN-VACCINATED KIDS GET SICK. This is fact…so… umm… vaccinate!
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