Drugs and Pharmacology, Seventh Edition
by Shaheen E Lakhan, MD, PhD, MEd, MS, FAAN | May 7, 2008Welcome to our latest round of Drugs and Pharmacology with our seventh edition. Today, we dispel marijuana myths, help protect you from medical errors, and get to the bottom of the autism-vaccine controversy.
If you were left out in this round, just leave a comment with your blog entry. Don’t worry, we’ll format it to match the blog carnival (or even include it in the main post).
Remember, we review the latest blogs related to drugs — medicinal, recreational, interactional, personal, professional, or any other aspects. You can check our Drugs and Pharmacology archive for all editions.
For future editions, please remember to submit your blog entries using the online submission form. We will do our best to review and include your entry! Enjoy your readings…
RN Central reports 25 Tips to Help Protect Yourself from Medical Errors:
There are few people who haven’t heard the horror stories about patients who have gone in for a simple medical procedure and ended up with legs amputated or undergoing unnecessary surgical procedures. While these cases are few and far between, millions of medical errors are made each year that can leave patients with infections and additional injuries, many of which can be life threatening.
Toxic World Blog reports Smog and Premature Death – Science Has Linked Them, The White House Denies It:
If the White House wants to look any dumber, I honestly cannot see how after reading a report on MSNBC.com about the link between the ozone in smog and premature deaths. The National Academy of Sciences review of the data clearly shows that people are dying because of effects of short-term exposure to pollution.
Caffeine Addiction reports on the Health Effects Of Caffeine:
Too much caffeine can lead to cardiovascular problems.
When you consume caffeine your blood pressure and heart rate will rise. Additionally, over time, an overuse of caffeine can lead to heart disease.
Teen Drug Abuse blogs reports on Myths About Marijuana:
Sure, it can’t directly kill you – but that doesn’t mean that pot is risk-free. Regular marijuana use has been shown to be associated with long-term problems, including poor academic performance, memory loss and lung cancer. To a developing brain, like those of teenagers, marijuana can be especially toxic — using pot can lead to panic attacks, depression and other mental health problems, not to mention increased anxiety.
Health Chaos reports Here we go again; more drugs:
I was dismayed to read and see all the news about blood pressure and cholesterol reducing drugs this week. I really believe that my previous internist received her MD by watching the drug ads on television.
Food Matters reports Are Drugs Killing You?:
Modern Medicine is now the third leading cause of death in America! Most of us don’t know how many people are actually dying at the hand of the very system that is supposed to save us. What is even more astonishing is that the information about these travesties is completely hidden and not talked about.
LiveSmarter reports 30 Environmentally Friendly (and effective) Alternatives to Traditional Medicines and Procedures:
While the benefits of advanced medical treatments help patients combat painful, scary and even deadly diseases, they often release toxic contaminants into the atmosphere and may disrupt the natural processes of a patient’s body.
Parenting Squad reports Are Autism and Vaccinations Linked?:
From my research, most of the medial industry seems to believe that there is not a relationship…which does not exactly surprise me. The reasoning behind this is that the age most children get vaccinated, is the same age children regress in their development if they have autism (between 1 and 2 years of age).
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