Firstly you are adding a chemical in your body that is somewhat addictive. By recieving a certain substance(THC) your body or ‘temple’ is extremely intelligent. Therefore even tho it may be toxic your body will use whatever it can from the substance before it moves it to your liver to disposove of it etc.
The more you use marijana the more your body will repeat it process untill………… It discovers that (THC) a assisting tool in Relesing natural endourvanes, releasing muscle tention, stress reliever leading to mood enhancer perfect for zoning out of your so called reality. Etc …… Which leads your brain neglecting to give intrusions to your body to release and adapt naturally as you would if you wernt stoned.
Your body is highly intelligent and utilises everything you put into it basically you have made your body adapted and function in a differnt way as it has a so called assistant.
When you stop using marijana you have just shocked your own system. Your body discovers that it is no longer recieving what it is used to for years and starts to re- program itself to function back to what your body remembers before you introduced the substance to the body.
Because your body was getting so much of it …… It stored it away within your fat cells and I order for it to be released a trigger of the Sweats and hot flashes start because your body is trying everything it can to receive what it’s used to recieving.
That passed as there is only a certain amount of stored THC in there.
Meanwhile your brain and body will trick you into thinking it needs it in order to survive or be in a calm state and can even inpersonate a feeling of anxiety just to make you have more as it’s trying everything possibile to take the easily way out.
Remember that you are in control so tell your body to relax and talk to yourself explain why it’s not good and tell your body to start fun unction how it used to.
Drink plenty of warm water and lemon to flush out old toxins, drink linden Tea to help relax you as it’s used for insomnia also.
From a spiritual point of Veiw you need to stay positive meditating with rainbow energy re-energizing and your mind, body and spirit ( helps with the truma your body is experiencing)
Keep yourself busy for as long as you can untill the urges pass remember urges to smoke only last for 3 minutes at a time and gets weaker as time goes on stay stong and assist your body in releasing stored up toxics in order for you to recover quicker.
If anyone is seriously concerned please contact me by email: as I’m happy to assist.
What ad but today am very happy to give this story to you all, it all happen when I was 23 year well because of this disease I can get married and very happy today am now negative I can get married now to my follow people that is on my shoes this the go great man, a great thanks to DR.ORIOMON the man that bring me out of this sorrow this is the man that can as well help the world, on this diseases I can remember 5 year ago when I was searching for cure, and how I have spent much money and I finally lost hope due to my conduction I have to put my hope on god, lucky to me last week here I was on the internet, check on how many year I can spent on earth them I see a comment about this great man DR.ORIOMON what a lucky day for me and today am giving my testimony about him I have never believe there is cure at all, but this man just want me to give him a try, if he cannot do it I will know his is not DR.ORIOMON that he have been doing this cure for more than many year now I put my hope on him and also my dear good way to say bye to this diseases [HIV] contact this man now
and i pray that he will help you also. All thanks to DR.ORIOMON, you can contact me
-Nathan FreeSoul Finn (FaceBook name), Kingston, Ontario, Canada