Comments on: Autism – No Need For A Cure? /2009/02/23/autism-no-need-for-a-cure/ Health and Science Blog Covering Brain Topics Sat, 29 Dec 2018 04:00:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Autism Spectrum Order « Journeyman /2009/02/23/autism-no-need-for-a-cure/#comment-604550 Sun, 26 Jun 2011 03:39:32 +0000 /?p=2418#comment-604550 […] /2009/02/23/autism-no-need-for-a-cure/ | Tags: Aspergers Syndrome, Society | Posted in: General | 2 Comments […]

By: Farewell 2009, Welcome 2010 | Brain Blogger /2009/02/23/autism-no-need-for-a-cure/#comment-597747 Fri, 01 Jan 2010 08:52:57 +0000 /?p=2418#comment-597747 […] Withdrawal Syndrome); Dr. Jennifer Gibson, clinical pharmacist and medical writer/editor (Autism – No Need For A Cure?); Dr. Sajid Surve, physiatrist and osteopath (Are Humans Hard-Wired to Torture?); and the more […]

By: Dirk Hanson /2009/02/23/autism-no-need-for-a-cure/#comment-557989 Fri, 21 Aug 2009 17:04:08 +0000 /?p=2418#comment-557989 This discussion reminds me uneasily of the “schizophrenia is not to be tampered with” movement of the 60s and 70s, led by R.D. Laing in Great Britain. It’s misleading to contend that you can ask severe schizophrenics or people with severe autism whether they want to stay that way.

By: Azkyroth /2009/02/23/autism-no-need-for-a-cure/#comment-556032 Sun, 02 Aug 2009 20:44:52 +0000 /?p=2418#comment-556032

There is fierce disagreement among autism rights activists, of which neurodiversity supporters are one-third of the argument. Another set of activists insists that toxins, mostly vaccines, cause autism and these poisons and pollutants should be removed from the environment to cure autism. There is a third group of activists who believe autism is a genetic characteristic and should be cured by concentrating on genome research.

Including the anti-vaccine cranks in this statement is like saying “there is fierce disagreement among biologists, of which structuralists and developmental biologists are one-third of the argument. Another set insists that the earth and all modern life forms were created miraculously over a period of 6 24-hour days, about 6,000 years ago. There is a third group of biologists who believe that genetics and molecular biology are the best avenue for learning about the process of evolution on the planet.”

By: Annie Hewitt /2009/02/23/autism-no-need-for-a-cure/#comment-553472 Mon, 13 Jul 2009 12:55:13 +0000 /?p=2418#comment-553472 I agree completely with the blogger who wrote about the Deaf Community. I have a Deaf granddaughter who would not even consider a cochlear implant. She is “Deaf.” She has more friends and community support and interaction than most of us hearing. I am sad to say that many folks, when I say I have a Deaf granddaughter, will respond with “Oh, so-and-so has a retarded child in the family, too.” There are two real problems about being Deaf (since technology has removed so many barriers): The ability to read and write English (a centuries-old problem not yet solved), and therefore the inability to gain information and knowledge, leading to the second big problem: and the lack of employment or employability, leading to a sense of entitlement and irresponsibily. I wish more work would be done on these…I know I’ll never see it happen, but I hope sometime…

By: /2009/02/23/autism-no-need-for-a-cure/#comment-551478 Tue, 07 Jul 2009 12:04:34 +0000 /?p=2418#comment-551478 Autism – No Need For A Cure?…

The prevalence of autism has increased nearly 1000% in the United States over the last 15 years. Now, as many as 1 in 150 children may be diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders. We now include people who would have been previously diagnosed with ment…

By: kscastings68 /2009/02/23/autism-no-need-for-a-cure/#comment-541970 Mon, 01 Jun 2009 03:21:44 +0000 /?p=2418#comment-541970 You may as well include as a fourth group those who blame evil spirits for autism spectrum disorders.

By: windulima /2009/02/23/autism-no-need-for-a-cure/#comment-533354 Wed, 06 May 2009 13:57:52 +0000 /?p=2418#comment-533354 Thank you for useful posting, cause my little sister has autism.

By: AUTISMO - NESSUN BISOGNO DI UNA CURA? « Autismo, che fare? Incazzarsi! /2009/02/23/autism-no-need-for-a-cure/#comment-532214 Fri, 01 May 2009 04:48:58 +0000 /?p=2418#comment-532214 […] Comment! Elena Corona ha tradotto per noi dall’Inglese un bell’articolo sulla neurodiversità/2009/02/23/autism-no-need-for-a-cure/ […]

By: Bloop /2009/02/23/autism-no-need-for-a-cure/#comment-483064 Sun, 22 Mar 2009 20:39:04 +0000 /?p=2418#comment-483064 “Down syndrome is not a disease, disorder, defect or medical condition. It is inappropriate and offensive to refer to people with Down syndrome as “afflicted with” or “suffering from” it. Down syndrome itself does not require either treatment or prevention.

As I’ve written elsewhere, only autism advocates would irrationally presume that the CDSS is really saying that DS people (unlike all other human beings) do not need assistance or education or services, and that DS people (unlike all other human beings) never suffer at all and never face any challenges or difficulties.”

It does comes oh so close though that it fails in its message.

I look after someone with down syndrome. As much as I care for my friend, if someone thinks that the condition of down syndrome is not a ‘defect’ they don’t know what the word means.

By: E. Ashkenazy /2009/02/23/autism-no-need-for-a-cure/#comment-469124 Wed, 11 Mar 2009 20:16:29 +0000 /?p=2418#comment-469124 Autism myths. I have written about this topic. I am Asperger’s autistic. Check out Aspitude

By: Diary of a Smart Chick » Post Topic » SmartChick at the Blog Carnival: Health /2009/02/23/autism-no-need-for-a-cure/#comment-462115 Thu, 05 Mar 2009 15:53:31 +0000 /?p=2418#comment-462115 […] One type of brain-related article that I wrote about recently was on the topic of eidetic memory (also known as the photographic memory). Did you know that it might not even be a real thing? This post was included over at the HealthBolt blog carnival. Another post in this health carnival that had to do with mental health was on autism, […]

By:'s Total Mind and Body Fitness Blog /2009/02/23/autism-no-need-for-a-cure/#comment-458392 Mon, 02 Mar 2009 17:39:04 +0000 /?p=2418#comment-458392 Total Mind and Body Fitness Blog Carnival 91…

Monday is Blog Carnivals Day. A Blog Carnival is basically a collection of articles or blog posts, all relating to a similar subject, that are gathered together for your viewing pleasure. You can quickly and conveniently see a list of Article Titles a…

By: Podblack /2009/02/23/autism-no-need-for-a-cure/#comment-457401 Mon, 02 Mar 2009 02:08:24 +0000 /?p=2418#comment-457401 Hi, this has been sent in for the latest round of Encephalon – really appreciated! Thanks and you can find it here along with another entry of yours:

By: I See An Encephalon Edition 65! /2009/02/23/autism-no-need-for-a-cure/#comment-457387 Mon, 02 Mar 2009 01:58:52 +0000 /?p=2418#comment-457387 […] Brainblogger, some great questions are posed:But, where does the acceptance end? Where is the line between […]
