Regarding trials, unless a vaccine (or drug) is fast-tracked (which is becoming popular), yes, trials do take place (numerous) – and as being one that received the criteria to participate in the study, I am sure you are well aware of the screening that takes place for an individual to participate in such study. The trials do not even get a snap shot of what could occur post licensure given different genetic make-ups and a population that is becoming more and more unhealthy (whether that be genetic or choice, take your pick). Once released in the market en masse, we again, have no true real numbers of adverse events to vaccinations given the passive surveillance system of VAERS. We also have no real knowledge of actual trial results given the over popular method of ghost-studies and manipulation of data. These two above factors have been hit on for years but seem to be making more headway in headlines as of the last couple months.
Regarding the flu – also, another recent study (just released last week), the flu vaccination does nothing for the elderly. Given that the number touted for years seems to fancy “36,000 deaths”, when one looks at the break-down they will see that yes, the majority of deaths occur in the elderly (less than 150 were for infants) but even taking all the above deaths, when you sort out those for “flu” and those for “pnemonia”, you will see that less than 500 were from the flu and the remaining were made up from the pnemonia category. Personally speaking, as one who’s received the flu vaccine a few times, I never had the flu when not taking the shot – I however had flu like symptoms for weeks when taking the shot; so in my estimate for me, the shot’s not worth it. Everyone is different, and should, as we both agree on, weigh their benefits/risks and come to their own conclusion. Personally, rather than tell anyone what I think they should or should not do in terms of vaccinating, I would advocate people to really start reading.
]]>Secondly, most vaccines available take 10-15yrs to reach the market and undergo numerous trials to determine toxicology and side effects. So in general they are suitable for the mass population. And yes as mentioned earlier vaccines aren’t perfect. One guy who was part of my trial group even had an anaphylaxis reaction to the vaccine. You could say that this is reason enough not to be vaccinated.
The real issue here is risk management, and to date the evidence points towards vaccinations as minimising fatalities. Even in the scenario above, while the subject suffered as a result of the vaccination he was in environment whereby his malady could be readily resolved. In contrast, had he not been vaccinated and later contracted the flu it would be up to his un-primed immune system alone to defend the attack. Now he probably would have been fine being a young healthy male, but an infant or an elderly person would have reacted quite differently (primarily due to weaker immune systems), possibly leading to death.
As a current biomedical science student & future I doctor I feel that vaccines are an important part of preventative medicine (e.g. smallpox has been virtually eradicated as a result of vaccines). As such, I would encourage people to get vaccinated. However, I also feel that each individual has the right to choose whether they are vaccinated or not, despite my inclinations towards vaccination.
Anyway just my 2cents.
]]>The question in regards to toxins is their level of exposure. Baring again in mind that obviously man has created much more. What is the different amount in terms of absorbtion, ingestion, injection and inhalation? Can you tell me that? What is the different route of exposure each path takes to effect what particular organs? DNA? Immune system as a whole? Can you tell me that?
Now.. biological warfare… now you’re talking my interest!!! Do you have any idea how many biolabs have been created under the Bush administration which runs sly short of violating the bans treaty? Have any idea how many pathogens have escaped? Have any idea how they’re secure? Have any idea how you’re secure? Have any idea what genetic modification is doing? Before you start to pretend that you have any idea into the “anti vacc group” suggest that you get to understand what they know. Based on your opinion and your silly statement, that leads me to believe that the “anti vacc” is on the right track.
]]>In short: Hypocrisy. It’s like panicking about losing a few pennies while continuing to burn 100 dollar bills for no good reason.
Vaccines work excellently for the purpose they’ve been created, and they’re not particularly unnatural.
But then again, maybe I’m not giving people enough credit. Should I assume the anti-vaccine movement isn’t as ignorant as they keep pretending to be, but are in fact just pulling an intentional ruse in order to decrease the human population to a more sustainable level using more gruesome methods than just decreasing the amount of offspring born? Decreasing the herd immunity and increasing illnesses on top of the evolving bacteria as an alternative biological warfare against the human species?
Wakefield responded to Deer:
Once again – yaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn……….