Dehydration has little to no effect on brain weight. The cerebrospinal fluid acts as a buffer. The CSF volume will shrink before the brain loses water weight. If one looks at Thogmartin’s report, the weight of CSF was roughly double the brain weight, which tells us how atrophied the brain was. Even with maximum CSF depletion, it was still double the brain tissue. Moreover, the neuropathological findings all showed the classic changes from chronic anoxic damage — NOT acute changes from dehydration. Likewise, starvation has little to no effect on brain weight. If body weight/fat were a determinant, then obese people would have larger brains than lean people. In point of fact, the lipid rich content of the brain is sructural in the way of myelin sheathes, and therefore is unavailable as energy substrate. This is similar to the fat pads of the eyelids, fingertips, thenar eminence, etc. Even people who have died from starvation will have sparing of those areas, and their brains are no lighter than people who died from other means.
]]>People who say that Mrs. Shiavo should have been kept alive HAVE NEVER BEEN IN THAT POSITION. Would you like to be kept alive like that? We toted my wife around during that time between 4 hospitals and 2 nursing homes all because of legal red tape. What kind of a life is that? I begged my higher power to spare my wife’s life — I didn’t get it. But you know what, we are all better off especially my wife who is in a much better place than being warehoused just to live out her days like that.
I’m really tired of hearing these people’s opinions who have never been in that situation!
Scott Becker
]]>Teri had people who loved her and wanted nothing more than to take her home and care for her at their expense. A probate judge of nefarious repute and totally illegal behavior raped her as surely as did her husband. He definitely committed homicide as if by his own hand.
Also, please note that Shiavo has been under investigation by state and federal agencies, his TeriPac was a total sham and he behaved very badly, neither he nor Felos are smelling too good on the lecture circuit, and Greer should be disbarred. Sadly, among the losers are Shiavo’s kids, they will forever be known as the spawn of a murderer and it will haunt them.
The Shindlers on the other hand are supporting people world wide and offering comfort to those in need. The lecture circuit vigorously pursues them. They used a terrible loss to bring a great compassion to this world. They are good Christians and Catholics.
]]>This was to have been a very easy more than a million dollars payday for very friendly friends of the court hired to kill an inconvenient wife. You do not know the medical and judicial fraud at the heart of this brutal killing. It may take a generation to prove, but when the record is examined by person or persons not tainted by self serving agenda, Ms. Schiavo’s death will be reclassified, “judicial murder.”