(1)At what degree is psychiatry related to physical illness? At some point, for many people, when you have cancer, no amount of medication will alter the cancer’s path to death. At what point do psychiatric medications no longer help people or hinder them? Should they be taken for long periods of time as psychiatrists suggest? Have psychiatrists as a group abandoned free thinking in regards to medication as treatment for all who enter the state hospital (which inevitably happens for those commited)?
(2) Why do psychiatric medications affect things such as the driving ability of people, cause sleepiness, etc., if they are touted as a cure, or have we forgotten about side effects of medications?
(3) Why do people who have been court ordered to take medication have to take medication for the rest of their life? If anybody can reasonably answer this question, you’ll have silenced all critics.
(4) Why does the psychiatric organisations feel the need to defend themselves if the doctors had such good relationships with their patients to discuss these things, or is discussion not allowed with a psychiatrist (if you’re court ordered discussion will only bring down non-compliance).
Thank you for your time in reading my questions. I do not in any way wish to prevent somebody who on their own free will wishes to seek help from psychiatrists or doctors, but only wish to point out inconsistencies and glaring untruths promelgated by the psychiatric industry.
]]>And I’d honestly love to know if these people that are throwing out treatment methods from this “evil field” have ever actually worked with mentally ill people. If they’ve ever actually had success with their methods of treatment with people that are severely ill. I know that several of you have asked these questions, and no one has really answered.
I am mentally ill. It ruined my life and caused me to almost successfully kill myself 3 times (I was in respiratory and cardiac arrest each time). I have GREAT difficulty controlling my emotions. I black out and lose time, which my brain has been tested for every single physical cause for the blackouts (at the suggestion of my psychiatrist) and no physical cause was found. My psychiatrist suggested DBT and a variety of other intensive treatments for me, including temporary medication. Though I’ve been working at it for 3 years, I am slowly getting better. Hell, I’m in a much better place than 6 months ago. Because PSYCHIATRY saved my life. I am no longer on meds, as most psychiatrists in my area only believe in stabilization meds, which work.
I find it humorous no one can produce actual results for these scientology treatments for “mental trauma”. Is this because no positive results exist?
]]>I lost much, including, my marriage, my home, but worse was the loss of my children, now added my grandchildren and all normal life experience and expectations, in exchange for the trust in a system that is all to often just a matter of economics. But as I have have made a full and complete recovery from the effects of the toxic drugs,I do see the eugenics and destruction of the soul, the person, and the destruction of the family unit.. I therefore, as I could not find support from anyone, including my mate, my shrink, the system, nor the law, chose to heal within, look at the truth and now represent CCHR.
and please hear this; *** our first contact with the world, is within the family, and there fore of vital importance to have a very strong family unit. Respect for individualism, and love, changing the “herd” mentality that exist in our society ,and loosing the tyranny of normalcy. And learning our mind/body/spirit,will end this choke hold,of psychiatry who are MD s and major in Psychiatry and as one said recently, stated “that next to God they were it.”
No one is infallible, no one is all bad or all good, we are on this planet to love and be loved and when we are not educated in emotional values we flounder, then it is allowable to have a professional “fix” us.
Given the right elements it is within each of us. to heal ourselves, without drastic intervention of deadly medications, which change our persona to all too often, angry, depressed, hopeless, bound, individuals. That my friends is a living nightmare and chemical straight jacket.
As I speak to others it comes to the foundation, Mothers and Fathers, from the very first moments the bonding, the words, the feelings of being less than, not enough, and then going to school where fellow students AND teachers can be cruel.
Some just have extremely sensitive natures, I did. I now know how to deal with that, but being lumped into a “cookie cutter” world, and have the illness come as the drugs are churned out, and imprinted deeply on our psyche. that we are not enough, not “normal” Who sets those measures?
Well,, with the grace of time, a resistance to lose anymore of my life, or to die early as a result of these many toxic drugs in my body, I chose to heal, and that took work, and a deep love and respect for myself. after much introspection, and forgiveness.
Now I share that with others, though my now adult children think as they were told long ago that I had a choice, and abandoned them, the truth will be revealed. And as pain and anger abates, love will be born again. No, nothing can give me those years back, but to do my part to help others as they wake to the sham, the non scientific basis of psychiatry, well I don’t care who leads the charge, I am a soldier in this war for sanity.
The psychiatric profession is under attack by the Church of Scientology. The Citizens Commission on Human Rights, a Scientology advocacy group, released an intense “documentary” called “Psychiatry: An Industry of Death” in 2006….
]]>Let us know when you have something worth tupence?
In the year 25, 25, if man is still alive???
Psychiatry: No Cures No Science [4 mins]
Psychiatrists openly admitting at the 2006 APA convention
that they have no scientific tests to prove mental illness
and have no cures for these unproven mental illnesses
]]>Thats the reason neither found any real answers to man’s problems
Religion without Science is Blind
Science without Religion is Lame
Investigate Religion [Soul and Mind] with Science, DELETE ALL SUPERSTITION,
and you have Dianetics and Scientology
Their materials, researched and capped by a quarter of a century of original search by L.Ron Hubbard, have bought the humanities, so long outdistanced by the “exact sciences” into a state of equality, if not superiority,to physics, chemistry and mathematics.
Mr Hubbard, an American, studied nuclear physics at George Washington
University in Washington, DC, before he started his studies about
the mind, spirit and life. This explains the mathematical precision of the Scientology Religion.What has been attempted by a thousand universities and foundations, at a cost of billions has been completed quietly here.
Psychosomatic Healing